WPCA invites you to the Whittington Park Community Centre Picnic, in Whittington Park next to the 4H garden, on Wednesday 20th July, 3-5PM.
Join us for food, fun, activities, games and even some musical accompaniment from the Ukulele group, to celebrate Community Centre Week brought to you by the Octopus Community Network.
This year's theme is an important one; food justice. We've seen Community Centres across the country become focal points for food provision over the past 2.5 years, and Octopus Community Network want to say thank you by getting together for community picnics.
Head to @ccweekuk on Twitter or @octopuscn on Instagram for more info on other events happening in the area in honour of Community Centre Week.
Please email admin@whittingtonpca.org.uk with any queries. We look forward to seeing you there!
